If you’re looking for an easy way to import products from suppliers in Taiwan, you’ve come to the right place. You can get your cargo in an average of four weeks.
ImportAnything.ph allows you to import almost anything from Taiwan and other countries without having to deal with customs at all. No import license required, no paperwork, and you won’t have to deal with penalties.
The entire process is so simple, it takes no more than five minutes. It’s even easier than booking a local delivery.
STEP 2: Copy and send the following shipping link to your supplier along with you Client ID
TAIWAN TO PHILIPPINES BY SEA http://taiwansupplier.importanything.ph/
The Shipping Link will provide all the instructions your supplier will need to process your cargo. (Note: Shipping Links are inaccessible in the Philippines)
That’s it! Now you just have to wait for our arrival notice
Once you get the notification, you just, pay, pickup, or have your shipment delivered to anywhere in the Philippines.
We like to keep things as simple as possible, but if you want to talk before getting started, just fill up the Quickstart Form below and we’ll get in touch with you ASAP.
RFQ Form
Please fill up the form below to get a quote within 24 hours. If you send the request on a Saturday or Sunday, we’ll get back to you on Monday
Complete list of countries covered by our specialty service:
We like to keep things as simple as possible, but if you want to talk more, just fill up the Quickstart Form below and we’ll get in touch with you ASAP.